"The Power of Your Thoughts Have the Potential to Change Your Life!”
Classes Start This Friday!
Sept 6th
Purchase Tickets at the Door or on our website
Click the Blue Button Below for More information or to register
Click the Blue Button Below for More information or to register
The Institute has a very dedicated and talented group of Healing Facilitators who regularly send healing energy to those in need.
People from all over the world contact us to be placed on our weekly Healing Circle list. To schedule an Appointment, download FREE Self Healing techniques or Learn More, visit the "Healing" page. Add a Request to the Healing Circle Meditation:
Are You Tired of Just Sitting in Class, Listening to Someone Talk?
That's Not What We Do Here!
All our classes are Interactive and Hands-on.
Basic Membership is just $35 JOIN NOW!
Receive Members Only access to: exclusive videos, Group Healing Projects, Meditations and Power of Mind Exercises. Membership includes a subscription to the O.R.I. Journal, a 36 page quarterly publication, filled with the latest information on Healing Energy Techniques, Mind Phenomena and Holistic/Alternative Health practices and more! See more benefits of Membership HERE. |
--- What is Power of Thought? ---
The “Power of Thought” is the ability to use the mind or “focused thought” to create positive change.
We generally focus on using the mind to effect healing in individuals and situations with:
We generally focus on using the mind to effect healing in individuals and situations with:
- Guided Meditation
- Visualization
- Vibrational Energy movement or Hands-on Healing
- Dowsing/Intuition
Our Founder - Harold McCoy
Harold McCoy established a record of many incredible healings -- from tumors, to depression, to diabetes, all using the “Power of the Focused Mind.” His mission was to teach as many people as possible to use his healing techniques.
After retiring as a military intelligence officer with 24 years of service, Harold was elected as president of the American Society of Dowsers for four years and Trustee for 8 years. After receiving a grant, he went on to establish the non-profit, Ozark Research Institute. The Institute is chartered to study and teach the power of mind as it pertains to spontaneous remission or miraculous healing of chronic or life threatening diseases, as well as all other manner of mind phenomena. Harold taught Power of Mind techniques for more than 30 years. His book and DVD's are available for sale HERE. Read an Article by Harold McCoy HERE |
"The Body Has an Amazing Capacity to Heal Itself"
The Ozark Research Institute, Inc. (O.R.I.) is an educational, scientific, charitable non-profit corporation organized under article 501 (c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue code. The Institute is chartered by the State of Arkansas to conduct classes and research into the "Power of Thought" as it pertains to spontaneous remission, miraculous healing, and research into all manner of mind phenomena and other healing techniques.